Friday, January 8, 2010

Relaunching Justice Interrupted

What is the media’s role in the criminal justice system? Do trial and case coverage help the system or jeopardize the integrity of the process? While there are hundreds of examples and arguments for both sides, there is a general consensus that media is necessary for the criminal justice system to operate efficiently and effectively.

In my personal view, there is no better way to bring about change and educate society then through the medium of mass communications. But mass communication has changed dramatically in the last several years. As a result of the boom in social networking and exponential growth of digital media, grass roots advocacy has taken on a whole new meaning as well.

I am proud to be participating in this new age media boom -- I am partnering with the one-and-only Stacy Dittirich to relaunch our popular radio show, Justice Interrupted. As crime victim advocates, we are utilizing the power of the media to bring miscarriages of justice the attention they deserve.  We harness the power of media to bring the little-known cases and crime victims the attention they deserve. Since we cover cases that generally do not get much attention by the traditional media, we hope you will help us spread the word by subscribing to our site (we have an RSS feed up, see below) and tuning into our weekly radio show.

Stacy and I are in the process of creating an incredible new website interface that will be live by this time next week. Preview it at While the site is not completely live yet, if you visit the link you’ll see an exciting preview of what’s to come.

On any given day, there are as many as 100,000 active missing persons cases in the United States, more than 600 rapes, 30 murders, more than 13,000 acts of domestic violence against women.  While the big media outlets (CNN, NBC, ABC, etc.) are good at bringing us the high profile cases – and we watch them with enthusiasm – we still cannot possibly hear about all the important cases that are waiting for justice. That’s where Stacy and I come in: our Justice Interrupted show has already been credited with the denial of parole for a multiple murderer and the return of an abducted child.  We are excited to continue our mission to bring attention to cases where justice has been interrupted.  Please join our cause!

If you’re interested in receiving updates on Justice Interrupted, subscribe using this link

Questions? Email me at

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