Thursday, October 1, 2009

Roman Polanski: Man-Up!

It is a crazy week here in Los Angeles -- it’s not very often that LA makes headlines on every network, every day, in a whole week, about more than one case.  It’s a good thing that the Michael Jackson case has taken a momentary rest, because we are inundated with other LA crime news: Roman Polanski, Manson Murderer Susan Atkins’ death, Mitrice Richardson still missing after being released by the Lost Hills Sheriffs Department, Randy Quaid accused (again) of ripping off a hotel….and on and on!

But even with all of these stories percolating, we have to take a moment to recognize that we are in the throes of the beginning of a new FASHION season!

It’s Fall, so boots are the rage!  The “must have” this season is the flat over-the- knee boot (or high thigh boot), a feature at NYC Fashion Week. Once you decide on the right style, don’t wait – go shopping!!  To avoid buyer’s remorse, carefully consider the boots and examine the deal you’re getting. Once you purchase those On Sale/No Exchanges pair, you’re stuck with that deal.  And while those over-the-knee boots are HOT…HOT….HOT, next season they be NOT….NOT….NOT.   Moral of the story:  buyer, beware!

Speaking of deals and buyer’s remorse… What’s up with Roman Polanski deciding he didn’t like the deal he cut, so his response was to split? Folks, remember: HE cut the deal, HE agreed to a plea bargain and then HE fled the country because he had “buyer’s remorse” over his own deal!

And, by the way, don’t think for a moment that if he cut that deal today, all the yakking heads would be sitting around quietly.  Oh, no!  If he pleaded to that deal today, we would all be commenting on how he got the “celeb blue light special” --because he got a freakin’ BARGAIN!

Legal experts are quoted in an AP article today saying that “if Roman Polanski were charged with child rape today, DNA evidence, stiffer penalties, outcry over childhood sexual abuse and tougher scrutiny of celebrity justice would make prosecutors much less willing to cut the plea deal the director received more than 30 years ago.”

I was quoted in the article as well, pointing out that changes in state law since the 1970s would give prosecutors other options in pursuing charges, including a law that includes a mandatory 15 years-to-life in a state prison for rape or a lewd act with a child coupled with certain circumstances (such as the use of a controlled substance).

But it’s really about more than the facts of the case and Polanski’s offenses  (which are indeed major)… It’s about the fact that he stole time, resources, and energy from the State of California. It’s about the fact that Polanski did not accept responsibility for his actions and the deal HE decided to strike—and WON.

The best case would be for Polanski to come back and face a California judge, take his medicine, and receive the same sentence/deal he bargained for in the first place….assuming the LADA would be game for that.  So, what do I say….

I say, Polanski – MAN UP!   The return policy is long gone and you should be skipping with excitement if the deal you struck is still on the table. The time has come to accept responsibility--and no receipt is required for that, my friend!!

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